Barack Obama’s Leadership in Operation Geronimo: The Elimination of Osama bin Laden

Topic: Military
Words: 1123 Pages: 4

For several years, the U.S. government had been searching for the most dangerous terrorist, Osama bin Laden. After several unsuccessful attempts to capture or eliminate him, the Obama administration developed a new strategy that was supposed to lead to success. As a result of these efforts, a plan called “The Invisible Hand” was created.

As the operation date approached, Obama held a series of meetings with military and intelligence services to ensure that all details were taken into account and no possible mistakes were made. He also discussed the plan with other government members, including Vice President Joe Biden and Defense Secretary Robert Gates, and obtained their approval. Several days before the operation, Obama met with the command of the “Seal Team Six” special unit as the final step in the preparation process for the mission (Johnson, 2022).

Obama explained to the military that this operation was extremely important and had to be carried out flawlessly. During this meeting, he also looked at photos showing what the bunker where bin Laden was thought to be located looked like. On the day of the operation, May 2, 2011, Obama met with the head of the CIA and officers of the special unit to get the latest updates on the situation. He was informed that their intelligence confirmed that bin Laden was in a bunker in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

After receiving this information, Obama gave the order to conduct the “Geronimo” operation. The operation began at 22:00 local time. For 40 minutes, the Seal Team Six team penetrated the bunker and eliminated bin Laden (Johnson, 2022). All team members, except one, returned alive and without serious injuries. After the successful completion of the operation, Obama gathered with the team in the Oval Office to congratulate them on their success. He was grateful to the team for their courage and devotion to the country. In his address to the nation, Obama declared that “justice never forgets” and that “the United States did what it promised.”

The government received these words with tremendous enthusiasm. After “Operation Geronimo,” various questions arose regarding the legal and ethical aspects of the mission. Some critics claimed that Barack Obama did not have the authority to order the elimination of a terrorist on the territory of another country without the permission of that country’s government. However, the White House stated that the operation was conducted based on self-defense, which was permissible under international law.

Ultimately, “Operation Geronimo” was one of the most significant events during Barack Obama’s presidency. It showed that the United States was ready to fight terrorism anywhere in the world and that they could act quickly and effectively to protect their national interests. The operation also sparked public dialogue about international law and the ethics of military actions, and many countries took measures to tighten control over military operations on their territories. Despite the criticism and controversy, Barack Obama remained firm in his conviction that the operation was necessary to protect the United States’ national security and prevent future terrorist acts. His resolve and leadership in this situation were highly praised inside and outside the United States.

More than ten years after “Operation Geronimo,” its consequences continue to be felt. The United States continues to fight terrorism in various parts of the world, and many countries have paid attention to the experience and lessons learned from this operation. “Operation Geronimo” also demonstrated the high level of training and coordination of U.S. special operations. The flawless execution of the plan allowed them to achieve their goals and minimize losses. The team that participated in the operation was trained for many months and used the most modern equipment and technologies (Roy, et al., 2022). Barack Obama, who became the first African American president of the United States, made a considerable contribution to the history of his country and the world. He became a symbol of hope and change, and his security and anti-terrorism policies were very important for the United States and the world.

Operation “Geronimo” was one of the many challenges that Barack Obama faced during his presidency. He could make difficult decisions in complex situations and maintain stability and security in the country and the world. The people will remember his determination and leadership of the world for a long time. However, the “Geronimo” operation also sparked a lot of controversy and criticism around the world. Some political leaders, civil society organizations, and activists believe this operation was illegal and violated international law.

They claim that the American military had no right to invade another sovereign state’s territory without its government’s consent. These people believe that the “Geronimo” operation set a precedent for aggressive actions by the United States and opened the door to many other violations of international law (Soherwordi & Khattak, 2020). Nevertheless, Barack Obama and his administration argued that the operation was legal and necessary to protect U.S. national security. They claimed that the U.S. had the right to self-defense under international law and that the process was conducted with the consent of Pakistan.

Disputes and discussions on this issue continue to this day, and many experts believe this problem needs to be addressed within the international community. However, despite disagreements, the “Geronimo” operation will remain an important moment in the history of Barack Obama and the world. Ultimately, the “Geronimo” operation was carried out successfully, but its consequences continue to be discussed and analyzed. This is mainly due to the fact that the operation was carried out in secrecy and information about it was limited to a narrow circle of people.

Nevertheless, in the first days after the operation, reports began to emerge that Bin Laden was among the dead. This brought joy and satisfaction to the United States and other countries that had suffered from terrorist attacks organized by Al-Qaeda. However, some experts warned that Bin Laden’s death did not mean the end of the threat of terrorism. On the contrary, they said this could lead to new waves of violence and terrorist acts by other radical groups. However, the execution of “Operation Geronimo” has become a critical moment in the United States’ fight against terrorism. It is an actual example of how the government can use its legal powers to protect national security and combat terrorism.

In conclusion, the execution of “Operation Geronimo” and the use of Barack Obama’s legal powers are among the key moments in his presidency and the history of the United States. This complex and responsible decision sparked much discussion and debate, demonstrating that the government can use its powers to protect national security and combat terrorism. As a result, “Operation Geronimo” will remain an actual example of how a state can respond to terrorist threats and protect its citizens.


Johnson, L. K. (2022). The third option: Covert action and American foreign policy. Oxford University Press.

Roy, M. I., Khalid, A., Rehman, A., & Khalid, F. (2022). Operation Neptune Spear and the manhunt (implications for Pakistan United States counter terrorism synergism 2001-2020). Journal of Political Studies, 29(2).

Soherwordi, S. H. S., & Khattak, S. A. (2020). Operation Geronimo: Assassination of Osama Bin Ladin and its implications on the US-Pakistan relations, War on terror, Pakistan and Al-Qaeda. South Asian Studies, 26(2).